Changes ....

(This post was brought over from my blog on

Told ya'll I'm horrible at keeping a blog up to date, LoL.
But also I've been thinking about moving my blog to my own personal space, I just don't trust these free spots. They close up to often.

But anyway ... I've been working on another post too, I promised a few people I would write about how I feel that God prepared me to be the woman I am today, and to be able to handle loosing D'Vonte. Sooo be on the look out for that post.

I've been a bit busy lately. I decided I'm kind of redoing pretty much my whole house. I feel I need a new start. I had planned to redo areas of it anyway to use for taking photos inside, but since D'vonte passed I decided I'm going to do more.
I'm excited but broken hearted at the same time. It's so weird to look into his room and see it cleared out.
Anyway my plans .... well his bedroom I'm going to use for a office / craft room. He was and always will be my inspiration, so his room was the best place for that to continue and me to feel him still pushing me to do my best. He would probably frown on the colors I picked for it to be, LoL I'm not telling, stay tuned for the after pics and or video.
For the small room that was his bedroom when he was younger I'm going to use it for a guest bedroom / store my shoes etc room, lol. I'm going to paint that room ... well I'm not sure yet. I'm thinking a nice bright warm yellow of some sort. but I've changed my mind about 5 times already in the past month soooo, I'll be making my final decision on that room in the next few weeks.
The living room is going to be fairly cleared out of furniture so I can use it to take pics in. I'm going to paint it a cream or a nice goldish tan color.
Those of you who know me well know I have a fetish for leopard print, so that is going to be all over my house, LoL. Y'all remember my red saturn coupe? Yeah ... it was leopard pimped out .... LMAO
So anyhoo, yeah that's whats keeping me busy for the next couple months.
Some changes ....

Till next time ... God bless ...
xoxo, Val